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NUK Blog

Our team is dedicated to providing valuable information about the brands we carry, ensuring you feel confident in your decisions. We're more than a store; we're your go-to resource, with dedicated brand pages offering insights and guidance on each brand to help you make informed choices.

  • NUK Best in test Soother study

    Which Pacifier is Best?

    In a new study by the University of Minho, Portugal, scientists investigated the effects of different teat shapes on the development of the teeth, jaw and palate. In comparison: the...

  • Female eating food

    Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

    Many women struggle to come to terms with the weight gain necessary during pregnancy - especially for those who have spent a large part of their lives trying to keep...

  • Premature baby with NUK Premature soother

    Premature Awareness

    Teeny-tiny premature babies face many challenges, one of which is sucking. These babies have high nutritional needs for their size, and mom’s breast milk is perfect for this purpose. Although...

  • Mother walking with toddler

    Milestones – what is your baby doing now?

    Babies are amazing. Without opening a book, they know exactly what to do and when. It’s helpful for you to know what their developmental milestones are. Please remember that every...

  • Baby sleeping with NUK Glow-in-the-dark soother

    Dealing with load-shedding

    You may have prepared for every eventuality when it comes to baby, but have you thought about load-shedding? This inconvenience can strike at any time, so it’s best to be...

  • Dad feeding baby with NUK bottle

    Looking after your baby’s kidneys

    March 11th is National Kidney day. These organs are vital for your baby’s overall health. Their purpose is to remove waste, maintain your baby’s body fluid balance, and keep the blood...

  • Mother breastfeeding baby

    Infant Microbiome

    The theme for this year’s World Health Day being ‘optimal nutrition for babies during the first 1,000 days of life – beginning at conception and ending on the child’s second...

  • Hospital bag

    Hospital checklist for baby bag

    We tend to get carried away with baby paraphernalia that’s available in baby-stores and supermarkets. You may be wondering what to pack for baby’s needs while you’re in hospital. Since...

  • Pregnant female holding her belly

    Connecting with your unborn baby

    While your baby is growing in your womb, you’re developing a bond that will last a lifetime. This begins when you hear your baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Like...

  • baby holding toes

    What Does Your Baby's Nappy Tell You?

    Adults without children are often amazed at how passionate, persistent and interested young parents can be about the contents of their baby´s nappy. They sniff, compare and describe it in...

  • Mother trying to comfort baby

    Tummy Troubles

    Tummy ache? Oh dear! Many babies struggle with this agonising problem in their first months of life. And when the little one’s cry in pain, their worried parents suffer with...