Home Truths About Soothing
When Mikhail was 10 months old, I took his NUK dummy away. I had heard about children who still sucked their dummies at 4 years old and i didn’t want...
NUK products are the result of the latest medical and orthodontic know-how and the practical experience of mothers and midwives.
In a new study by the University of Minho, Portugal, comparing 6 types of pacifiers, scientists investigated the effects of different teat shapes for healthy teeth and jaw development.
The world-famous Disney characters can accompany our little ones in their magical everyday life.
For many years, NUK First Choice has been the first choice for bottle feeding for healthy jaw development and transitioning to independent drinking.
Your baby is the most important thing in the world to you. That is why, at NUK, we do everything to help your baby develop healthily, right from the start – with products which regularly exceed their high quality standards.