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C-Section Awareness Month- A Mother's Experience

Mother holding newborn baby

Alexis McMullin (@alexismaymcmullin) is a happily married mother to Penny, who is a frequent star in Alexis' content, and her newborn August. Alexis provides value to her followers in the form of aesthetic inspiration (fashion, beauty, interior design, minimalism, travel, etc). Alexis grew up on both coasts (Boston and California) and has spent time in Utah and Chicago. She is constantly on the move, but her current principal residences include Hawaii and Chicago.

As a mom who has had a Cesarean section, I understand the importance of C-section Awareness Month. Every year, the month of April is dedicated to spreading awareness about C-sections and the impact they have on moms and babies.

My C-Section Experience

I never in my whole life thought I would have a C-section. I always thought I would have a baby naturally, but that all changed when I was in my third trimester with my first baby. She was positioned high up, which was very painful! I did stretches to try to get her to drop lower. She eventually did drop but she also flipped directions! She was breech.

I went to the doctor and they gave me all the tricks and tips in the world. I tried everything. I got acupuncture, tried a chiropractor, did Spinning Babies, and had my husband help me. Nothing worked. I was really disappointed, because I knew that if she didn’t flip, I would have to have a C-section. For many of us, a C-section is not the birth experience we plan for and it can be hard to accept that.

Eventually, we scheduled an appointment for an external cephalic version (ECV), where the doctor would try to flip my baby. It sounded really painful but a friend of mine had it successfully done just a few days prior. I was scared but I thought it would be worth it. I was willing to do anything to avoid a C-section.

The morning I was scheduled for my procedure, I woke up to my water breaking! It broke that morning at 7 am and was everywhere, just like in the movies (although I found out later that that’s not actually very common). I wasn’t even due for three weeks, so I didn’t know how this could happen! We quickly packed our bags and headed to the hospital.

When we arrived, we decided to proceed with a C-section since she was still breech. Because delivering a baby breech has its risks, our hospital didn’t offer this option (although some hospitals do). I quickly got ready, got wheeled into the operating room, and before long, heard the sweetest sound in the world: my baby's first cry. My husband and I looked each other in the eye and just cried with how happy we were!

Takeaways from my C-Section

Although we were happy and it was perfect holding our baby, it was still really hard–as birth can be, no matter how the baby comes. I didn’t have a lot of pain right at first, but I started feeling a burning sensation about a day later that wouldn’t go away, even with medication. It turned out that I had nerve pain because the doctor somehow cut a nerve. I was really scared, but took the medicine they gave me. It calmed it down… until I needed the medicine again. Fortunately, it went away after two weeks. I was also not prepared for the aches and pains of walking around. Ouch! It did eventually go away, even though it was really hard in the moment.

Overall, a C-Section was not what I expected, but it was perfect–aches and nerve pains and all.

C-section Awareness Month is an important time to educate ourselves and others about C-sections. Whether you have had a C-section yourself or are simply interested in learning more, take some time this month to read and share information about C-sections and support the moms who have gone through this experience.

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